

‘The Forest Is My Church’: Christianity, Secularisation and Love of Nature in a Northern European Existential Field

David Thurfjell and Atko Remmel

Religion 54 (2), pp. 203-223.


Erdvės mitiškumas padavimuose apie Platelių ežerą

Andrius Kaniava

Tautosakos darbai 66, pp. 70–84.

Developing New Routes across North Europe:
Walking in the Baltic States and England

John Eade and Tiina Sepp

New Pilgrimage Routes and Trails. Pilgrimage Studies 2, edited by Daniel H. Olsen, Dane Munro, Ian S. McIntosh. Oxford; New York: Peter Lang, pp. 85−106.

Sakralusis Vokės kraštovaizdis totorių gyvenimo pasakojimų geografijoje

Lina Leparskienė

Totoriai Lietuvos istorijoje ir kultūroje XIV–XXI a.: naujausi tyrimai, edited by Galina Miškinienė. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, pp. 242–266. 

Local Pasts and International Inspirations: The Heritagisation and Caminoisation of Pilgrimage Landscapes in Norway

Hannah Kristine Bjørke Lunde

Religions 14 (7), pp. 1−17.

On Obscene and Civil Forms of Nonreligion

Atko Remmel

Religion, Brain & Behavior.

The Mongols and the Supernatural: A Legend about an Iron Shaman, a Returning Deity and Rebelling Spirits

Alevtina Solovyeva

Prace Orientalistyczne / Oriental Studies Series of the Committee of Oriental Studies Polish Academy of Sciences XLV, pp. 131−151.

From the Tibetan Burial Ground to the Mongolian Steppe: A New Life for Buddhist Ritual Practice in Post-Socialist Mongolia

Alevtina Solovyeva and Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz

Études mongoles sibériennes centrasiatiques et tibétaines 54, pp. 1−41.

Preface to the Special Issue: The Divine, The Demonic and the Beyond in Belief, Narrative and Practice of Central and East Asia

Alevtina Solovyeva

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 17 (1), pp. 17−20.

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 17 (1)

Alevtina Solovyeva, guest editor

Special Issue: The Divine, the Demonic and the Beyond in Belief, Narrative and Practice of Central and East Asia


Negotiating Vernacular Authority, Legitimacy and Power: Creativity, Ambiguity and Materiality in Devotion to Gauchito Gil

Marion Bowman

Vernacular Knowledge: Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs, edited by Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman. Sheffield, UK; Bristol, CT: Equinox, pp. 284–308.

Afterword: 25 years of Vernacular Religion scholarship

Marion Bowman

Vernacular Knowledge: Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs, edited by Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman. Sheffield, UK; Bristol, CT: Equinox, pp. 405–418.

Pilegrimsruter som iscenesatte landskap: tilrettelegging, navigasjon og opplevelser langs St. Olavsvegene

Hannah Kristine Bjørke Lunde

Tidsskrift for Kulturforskning 21 (2), pp. 69–93

Mythic History, Belief Narratives and Vernacular Buddhism among the Lhopos of Sikkim

Kikee Doma Bhutia

Dissertationes Folkloristicae Universitatis Tartuensis 32. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.

Sõjakas kaitse – konfliktid loodus- ja kultuuripärandi hoiu kujundamisel

Tõnno Jonuks, Lona Päll, Atko Remmel and Ulla Kadakas

Methis Studia humaniora Estonica 30, pp. 156−183

Looduslikud pühapaigad kui jutupaigad Rambynase mäe näitel

Andrius Kaniava

Mäetagused 83, pp. 37–58

Pasakojamos vietos. Fenomenologinis žmogaus santykio su vieta tyrimas

Andrius Kaniava

Doctoral dissertation. Vilnius: Vilnius University, Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre

Loodusest, pühadusest, pärandist

Kristel Kivari

Mäetagused 83, pp. 5–8

Mäetagused, 83
(Special Issue: Looduslikest pühapaikadest)

Kristel Kivari, guest editor

Kohalikud tavad ja pühaduse poliitika Trakai järvestiku piirkonnas

Lina Leparskienė

Mäetagused 83, pp. 9–36

Pilgrimage Matters: Administrative and Semiotic Landscapes of Contemporary Pilgrimage Realisations in Norway

Hannah Kristine Bjørke Lunde

Dissertation for the degree Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.). Oslo: University of Oslo

An Ecosemiotic Dimension of Folklore: Reframing the Concept of Place-Lore

Lona Päll

Sign Systems Studies 50 (2/3), pp. 185−216

Kohapärimuse roll keskkonnakonflikti diskursuses: Paluküla hiiemäe juhtum

Lona Päll

Mäetagused 83, pp. 59−88

Contradictions In(side) the Tradition: Lived Religion, Ritual and Change with Reference to Majuli Sattras

Baburam Saikia

Dissertationes Folkloristicae Universitatis Tartuensis 33. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.

Kuulub – ei kuulu. Kuulumise, konviviaalsuse ja autohtoonsuse mõistetest

Elo-Hanna Seljamaa

Keel ja Kirjandus 5, pp. 404−422

From the Camino de Santiago to English Cathedrals: Conducting Fieldwork in Sacred Spaces

Tiina Sepp

Fieldwork in Religion 17 (2), pp. 203–224

Multi-Coloured Faiths of Contemporary Mongolia

Alevtina Solovyeva

Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach: New Horizons in Oriental Studies, edited by Agata Bareja-Starzynska. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Oriental Studies, pp. 229–243

An Introduction to Vernacular Knowledge

Ülo Valk

Vernacular Knowledge: Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs, edited by Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman. Sheffield, UK; Bristol, CT: Equinox, pp. 1−21

Truth, Variation and the Legendry: The Case of Saint Madhavadeva’s Birth Place in Assam

Ülo Valk

Vernacular Knowledge: Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs, edited by Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman. Sheffield, UK; Bristol, CT: Equinox, pp. 117−139

Vernacular Knowledge: Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs

Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman

Sheffield, UK; Bristol, CT: Equinox


Journey in a Life Story and Pilgrimage:
Exploring the Connection between Humans and Place in a First-Person Narrative

Tiiu Jaago and Tiina Sepp

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 15 (2), pp. 179–197

The Role of Place-lore in Environmental Conflict Discourse: The Case of Paluküla Sacred Hill in Estonia

Lona Päll

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 15 (2), pp. 198-220

Reawakening Spirits in Post-Socialist Mongolia: Vernacular Theories and Practices

Alevtina Solovyeva

Dissertationes Folkloristicae Universitatis Tartuensis 30. Tartu: University of Tartu Press

From Nature Romanticism to Eco-Nationalism:
The Development of the Concept of Estonians
as a Forest Nation

Atko Remmel and Tõnno Jonuks

Folklore 81, pp. 33–62


Reframing Pilgrimage in Northern Europe:
Introduction to the Special Issue

Marion Bowman, Dirk Johannsen and Ane Ohrvik

Numen 67 (5-6), pp. 439–452

How to Be a Pilgrim: Guidebooks on the Norwegian
St. Olav Ways and the Heritagization of Religion

Dirk Johannsen and Ane Ohrvik

Numen 67 (5-6), pp. 508-536

“Rehabilitating” Pilgrimage in Scotland: Heritage, Protestant Pilgrimage, and Caledonian Caminos

Marion Bowman

Numen 67 (5-6), pp. 453-482

The Pilgrimage Landscape in Contemporary Estonia:
New Routes, Narratives, and Re-Christianization

Tiina Sepp and Atko Remmel

Numen 67 (5-6), pp. 586–612

Metsarahva kujunemine:
retrospektiivne vaade müüdiloomele

Tõnno Jonuks and Atko Remmel

Keel ja Kirjandus 6, pp. 459–482

Den moderne skattejakten: app-teknologi som facilitator for kulturarvliggjøring ved St. Olavskilder i Norge

Ane Ohrvik

Laboratorium för folk och kultur, pp. 1- 13